Bluelab Blog

Growers of the World Series - Agroventures, Maldives

Written by The team at Bluelab | September 25, 2024

Agroventures - Island of Gahdhoo, Maldives

Growing: Melons, cucumbers and lettuces

System: NFT system in a 12,000 sq. ft. greenhouse

Meet Agroventures, who are cultivating with Bluelab’s OnePen™ in the Maldives.

Nestled in the southern Maldivian island of Gdh. Gahdhoo, Agroventures is revolutionizing local agriculture under the expert guidance of Reehan, affectionately known as Ben. This innovative farm has embraced hydroponic technology, focusing primarily on melons and cucumbers, with lettuce rounding out their crop selection.

Operating within a sprawling 12,000 square foot greenhouse, Agroventures has found a trusted ally in Bluelab's precision instruments.

Hydroponic farming in the Maldives presents unique challenges:

  • Tropical climate with high humidity and temperatures
  • Limited freshwater resources
  • Logistical complexities of island agriculture
  • Fluctuating nutrient concentrations due to rapid plant uptake

These factors make precise monitoring and control of growing conditions critical for success. Even minor imbalances in pH or nutrient levels can significantly impact crop health and yield in hydroponic systems.

Ben relies on the Bluelab pH Pen, Conductivity Pen, and the versatile new Bluelab OnePen™ to maintain optimal growing conditions in his NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system.

“Bluelab products have become an integral part of our daily operations," Ben explains. "The EC and pH levels in our NFT system fluctuate daily, and these tools help us regulate them with ease and accuracy.”  

What sets Bluelab apart for Ben is the user-friendly design and unparalleled precision of their products. He notes that fellow growers without Bluelab equipment often struggle to maintain consistent EC and pH levels. Additionally, the reasonable warranty period provides extra peace of mind.

Ben's journey with Bluelab began with online research, where he was immediately impressed by the product line. Following training and recommendation from Zahid at Prime Fertilizers Maldives, an authorized reseller,  Ben made his first purchase and hasn't looked back since.

Bluelab's impact on Agroventures extends beyond mere convenience. Ben recounts a pivotal moment when the products potentially saved his operation from significant losses.

"We were about to use water from the local supply for our crops. Thanks to Bluelab's Conductivity Pen, we discovered the EC value was dangerously high - above 1.0. This early detection allowed us to alert the company and find a solution before it affected our crops." 

This experience cemented Ben's trust in Bluelab and Prime Fertilizers' expertise. The reliability of Bluelab products has dramatically reduced stress for Ben and his team. "It's completely worry-free when using Bluelab," he states confidently. This peace of mind allows the Agroventures team to focus on innovation and expansion, rather than constantly troubleshooting their growing environment.

As Agroventures continues to flourish, Ben is already eyeing future expansions. "We're considering adding the Bluelab Pulse Meter to our toolkit," he reveals. "With Zahid's guidance and Bluelab's innovation, we're excited to push the boundaries of what's possible in Maldivian agriculture."

Agroventures' success story is a testament to the power of precision in hydroponic farming. With Bluelab's tools in hand, they're not just growing crops – they're cultivating a sustainable future for agriculture in the Maldives.