Art Of Growing Blog listing page


Case Study

Greenhouse grower in Kenya - Pro Controller case study
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on January 26, 2021

Ernest Simeoni is a greenhouse grower and entrepreneur based in Kenya, who is currently operating a small farm of 10 acres about 40 km from the country's capital, Nairobi.

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Case Study

Cornell University – Pro Controller case study
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on December 22, 2020

Based in the US state of New York, Cornell University is a prestigious Ivy League university with a long history, having first been established in 1865. PhD student Nathan Eylands is part...

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7 tips for a successful hydroponic growing operation
By Jon Greene on November 17, 2020

Hydroponics is a growing method that doesn’t require soil. Instead, your plant root systems are supported by a soil-less medium while having access to a steady supply of nutrient-rich water.

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A beginner's guide to hydroponics
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on October 31, 2020

What is hydroponics? Hydroponics is a growing method that makes use of a solution of nutrients and water as opposed to soil. Hydroponic systems can vary widely in scale, from a small...

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What CEA can learn from NASA's plant growth experiments
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on September 3, 2020

As part of their official Technology Transfer Program, NASA recently hosted a webinar that covered the very latest exciting plant growth technology and innovation coming out of the Space...

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A Q&A with WWF on how it plans to tackle the sustainability of CEA and food security
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on August 29, 2020

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) recently published an Innovation Analysis report entitled Indoor Soilless Farming: Examining the Industry and Impacts of Controlled Environment Agriculture...

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Case Study

Block5 Brew Lab - pH Pen case study
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on August 18, 2020

Block5 Brew Lab is a brewing business that specialises in creating and selling kombucha. Based in Tauranga, New Zealand, Block5 was founded by Matt Gillon, who, after identifying an overall...

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How to

Why is water quality important?
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on August 11, 2020

Why does water quality matter? Have you ever heard a grower speak about needing to use RO water or telling you to be careful of your municipal water as it may be too 'hard'? This kind of...

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What is conductivity and how do you measure it?
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on July 15, 2020

Why is conductivity a fundamental parameter of growing? All plants need the right amount of food (nutrients) in order to grow. Electrical conductivity (EC) is an essential measurement that...

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Case Study

Artisan Grown - Combo Meter and Pulse Meter case study
By Kasha Dubaniewicz on July 10, 2020

Founded in 2017, Artisan Grown is a medicinal cannabis business located in Canby, Oregon. Artisan Grown is owned and managed by Kyle Pope, a US Marine veteran. Kyle was first drawn to the...

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